While there is hope for a better year in 2021, the Covid crisis has been devastating in loss of life and loss of income for many. Without being insensitive to this reality, we see reason for hope. People are starting to get back on their feet. We can all come out of this time for the better. Our crisis has been a time to reevaluate, to see where we’ve invested our lives. Have we emphasized the tangibles – our job, status, financial security – or have we recognized the value of intangibles – caring, empathy, love for each other, a meaningful and purposeful life? Let us encourage you. A focus on the intangibles will make it possible to positively respond to the opportunities of our hard times with resilience and a hopeful outlook. We also review several of our lessons for surviving in hard times, particularly the third lesson – “Deal with reality but recognize that facts aren’t the complete reality”.

Listen to the podcast here https://www.thesurvivorsguidetolife.com/

Watch the podcast on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vO0pe4PIDI0

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